When I reviewed my last blood panel a couple years, I had a healthy bill of health EXCEPT for a steep deficiency in Vitamin D. I shouldn't have been surprised since I'm indoors all the time, don't get enough sunlight, and it's near impossible to consistently consume enough Vitamin D through diet alone.

My mom bought me a bunch of Vitamin D pills but they were all low-quality or weren't stacked with the right complimentary components. For example, the active form of Vitamin D is D3 and not D2, and it's a fat-soluble compound and needs to be consumed with fat for optimal absorption.

Another facet of supplementation I was looking into was getting consistent Omega-3 especially DHA (which is associated with cognitive function). Omega 3's are fatty acids, which would stack well with D, plus has interesting synergistic effects together on serotonin pathways. Vitamin K stacks well with Vitamin D, and astaxanthin found in krill oil rounds out the stack.

Lastly, purity and heavy metal contamination has always been a lurking issue with fish derived supplements because of worsening ocean pollution. I don't want lead, arsenic, cadmium, or mercury in my inputs.

So with all the expertise with supply chain and manufacturing my team and I gained through developing nootropic stacks, I wanted to solve this personal issue for myself and a lot of modern intellectual workers like myself. KADO-3 was born (Vitamin K, Astaxanthin, Vitamin D, Omega-3).

I'm proud to say we actually independently test and reject raw inputs that don't match our standards i.e. our stack tests for <0.01 ppm for lead, 0.3 ppm for arsenic, <0.01 ppm for cadmium, < 0.02 ppm for mercury. I've been taking KADO-3 for the past few weeks on beta and look forward to acing my next blood panel.

Learn more about the product and the data behind it here.


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