Prioritizing Nutrient-Rich Choices Over Convenience: Embracing a healthier lifestyle involves reevaluating our relationship with convenience. Consider the inspiring story of Scott McDonald, a content and healthy individual from upstate New York. Despite his modest income, he invested time driving to local farms on weekends, fostering a connection with Regenerative Organic Farms for eggs, red meat, and fresh vegetables. This serves as a reminder that prioritizing the value of nutrient-dense food over mere convenience can significantly impact our well-being.

Mindful Eating Practices on the Go: Navigating a busy lifestyle, especially during travel, requires strategic choices. Instead of succumbing to the allure of quick, processed meals, consider alternative approaches. Engage in the enriching experience of visiting local farms, connecting with friends on a health journey, and making mindful choices that align with your well-being goals. This shift in mindset not only enhances nutritional intake but also transforms the act of sourcing food into a social and enjoyable activity.

Strategic Fasting for Optimal Health: Explore the concept of selective fasting as a powerful tool for maintaining a healthy balance. Rather than adopting a strict fasting routine, focus on intuitive eating and appetite control. For instance, incorporating periods of 14 to 16 hours without food, allowing the body to rest and recover. Understand that fasting is not about deprivation but a disciplined approach to enhance overall well-being. Complementing this practice with strategic protein intake, recognizing it as a key macronutrient, ensures a holistic and sustainable approach to nutrition, supporting recovery, rest, and optimal workout performance.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • Reevaluate the value of convenience in your food choices, emphasizing the impact of quality nutrition on overall well-being.
  • Incorporate enriching experiences into your food choices, such as visiting local farms with friends on a health journey.
  • Embrace selective fasting as a tool for balance, focusing on intuitive eating and appetite control.

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Dr. Latt Mansor:

Very active person. I know that you go outdoors and all that, and you travel a lot. How do you meet  that nutrition pattern?  Or, or are you that type who says, do as I say, not as I do? 

Sean Greenspan

I'm actually proud to say that I eat well. I think I do that. It, of course, there are other challenges that pose themselves as you're traveling or, like I mentioned before around other people.

Let's talk first about just like the traveling aspect, because I think that's where a lot of people get lost. Actually, what I want to talk about is convenience. That's more important, and I think we need to recondition ourselves as humans. To understand if can the value of convenience because we're overvaluing.

And now here's like a little story. One of the happiest and healthiest people I know is my friend Scott McDonald. Okay, he lives in upstate New York. He has a small farm. He has a well, gets natural spring water, right? And before he had that. He would, on Saturdays and Sundays, drive around to local farms to get his eggs, his red meat, his local vegetables all from Regenerative Organic Farms.

He'd take two, three, five gallon jugs to a spring, fill it up, and it would take him maybe three hours on a Saturday or Sunday, maybe four hours. Then we have people that maybe live in Manhattan that may and Scott, I have no idea. He was making a very modest income, right? Then we have people that maybe live in Manhattan that make 900, 000 a year running some big company that don't have the time or resources to eat healthy food, right?

And I'm like, I just look at that priority as completely wrong, right? And it's because we're overvaluing convenience versus what we put in our body. Which is really backwards. If you think about it, there's a big trend now, people wanting to start their own, small farms or, everyone's shopping at like farmer's markets.

Like we know we need to be closer to the food that we eat. And yet we're not taking those actions. So the biggest thing that I've done in the last year. We just understand that, hey, the process of going to a farm and meeting the local farmer, like that's a fun social activity, go with friends that also are on this health journey with you, or, whatever that next step is for you, doesn't have to be, that but really.

Looking at your relationship with convenience is really important. And what are you doing with that additional time that we're getting back? We talked about travel. For me, practicing selective fasting is important. I don't fast. I guess in traditional sense, I try to cut off dinner early.

I don't eat breakfast till after my workout. So maybe 14, 16 hours a day. Sometimes it's 12, sometimes it's less, I don't really measure. I try to really go off intuitive if I'm hungry, but it's important to understand in my point of view is like appetite control. So for example, I, we had a day recently, we ate breakfast and we drove in the car to Jacksonville we stopped and, got food, we're in the airport, landed, and I had to drive to my family's house, it's one of the holidays, I just decided after breakfast I wasn't going to eat.

I did a 24 hour impromptu fast till the next day. I felt great energy, but I'm not going to fill myself with bad food just because it's convenient, right? And then, everything, there are tremendous health benefits to a fast. It's also fun discipline practice. But, every decision we make has a, has an effect to it, like the other side, right?

And the other side is you obviously can't fast every day. You'll be, you won't have, enough calories, nutrition. So I overcome, say for the next three days, I tried to just eat an additional meal every day. Really just focusing on protein. Because I think. Proteins, king.

Dr. Latt Mansor:

And I think overall, instead of seeing like daily macros, if you're fasting, this once a week kind of thing you can look at it from a weekly point of view as well. It's like overall, you've got to take the macronutrient that you need in order to recover well and rest well and work out well.

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